Watch the video below to help understand what these changes mean for you.
Dates you shouldn’t miss in July!
1 July 2021 – when employers with closely held payees need to become STP compliant.
1 July 2021 – when the ATO will begin charging penalties for non compliance to all employers with closely held payees who should already be STP compliant.
Click here to learn more about STP reporting for closely held payees.
Not yet STP Compliant? Here’s what you need to do.
- Select an STP Compliant software solution.
- Set-up your Payroll within the Software.
- Activate the STP feature and ensure it is connected to the ATO.
- Start completing your Payroll using the software.
Have a question about the STP changes? Or you would like help getting set-up on an STP compliant Software?
Contact your Tax Consultant. We are here to help!